Safety First’s Life in the UK course is delivered by qualified ESOL tutors and is set over eight 2-hour sessions.
The course will cover topics in the current Home Office Life in the UK manual and help with computer based multiple choice questions.
Safety First provide Life in the UK courses to enable learners to access affordable teaching and learning, that will assist them with:
- The Life in the UK test
- Speaking & Listening element via ESOL Classes
- Life in the UK multiple choice practice tests via computer sessions
Monday 12.30pm: TBC
Tuesday 12.30pm: TBC
Thursday 12.30pm: TBC
Subject to spaces & availability
Other courses will be added in future, please register your interest by telephoning the centre and we will contact you before the new classes begin.
Some ID will be required to enroll you on a class. Please bring any of these if you have them:
- Passport
- National insurance number
- Visa (with spouse passport for spouse visa)
- Benefit letters
You must have a good level of spoken English (about entry level 2) to be able to understand the information on this course. If you are not working at entry level 2, you may be able to access one of our ESOL courses before beginning the Life in the UK course.
This course costs £125.00 payable at the beginning of the course.
Book Your Place
If you would like to access a course or find out more, contact Safety First Community Training Centre on 01274 727233 or fill in the form below. We will arrange for you to visit one of our venues to assess your needs and eligibility.
Whatever your needs, we will try to find a course suitable for you. However, not everyone will be eligible for all courses.
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